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It, Stephen King Book Cover Design
King described "It's" attire as having 3 pom-poms on his blouse paired with Mickey Mouse
gloves. He used this form 3 times and as a reader, the scene after it was very terrifying in
contrast to the jolly and goofy visual. It stuck with me a lot and thought it would be perfect
to be on the cover. It was intriguing enough and until you fully read the book you wouldn't
know what it truly meant. On the other hand, once somebody reads this specific passage it's
easily deemed to be the most iconic description of It.
I used Kuretake Gansai Tambi watercolors and Strathmore 300 Series Watercolor Paper for
this piece. I embraced the gritty texture and loose look to make it feel natural and not suspicioius.
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